We work with rural communities to develop sustainable business enterprises in that provide job opportunities, create food security and advance economic development in Eswatini, Africa. 

We are committed to becoming a fully self-sustained organization. To do this, we have created several income streams. Our business enterprises currently consist of a lodge and hospitality, honey, dairy, bakery, timber and essential oils. Our diverse enterprises serve four key purposes: to provide immediate needs for our childcare program and community, (i.e. bread and milk), to provide education and learning opportunities for our students, to provide jobs for our graduates and surrounding community and to generate income that goes directly into our childcare program.

In order for each enterprise to grow, we rely completely on both financial donations and strategic partner support. Your donation enables us to expand our enterprises, create more jobs, and foster sustainable economic growth. Together, we can build a future where business and social responsibility go hand in hand and where each purchase and donation helps us create a brighter, more equitable world. Join us in our quest to be a self-sustaining organization and make a meaningful difference in Eswatini, Africa.

Inheritance International Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. As such, all contributions are tax deductible as permitted by law. Please consult your accountant or tax attorney for further advise on tax deductibility.

The specific use of donated funds is subject to the Board of Director’s guidance.