Help restore an emotional, spiritual, and physical inheritance to an orphaned generation.

Together we can help strengthen and reunite families that have been torn apart by the HIV/AIDS pandemic and extreme poverty.

Child Sponsorship

Sponsor the full-time care of a child in Bulembu, Eswatini



Kingdom transformation, one life at a time.

Inheritance International Ministries is a US-based nonprofit, dedicated to helping create sustainable and transformational change for families in Eswatini and rural communities most affected by extreme poverty through the work of Challenge Ministries Eswatini and Bulembu.

We firmly believe in the power of community-driven and church-centered initiatives. Our organization focuses supporting efforts that strengthen and reunite families. The key areas we help fund are orphan care and family reunification, addiction and abuse rehabilitation, rural community development and the establishment of sustainability enterprises.

By addressing the root causes of poverty and family instability, the programs we support aim to create sustainable solutions that empower individuals, strengthen families, and empowers communities to thrive for generations to come.


Eswatini is one of the few remaining monarchies in Africa - a diverse and vibrant nation of just over one million residents that boasts a rich culture and heritage, but faces many challenges.

Today, in Eswatini, less than 12% of children are raised in homes that have both parents present.

Unemployment and poverty are high in Eswatini partly due to weak job creation in the formal economy. The unemployment rate is currently at 33%, which is the highest in over a decade and the youth unemployment rate has risen above 54%. An estimated 87% of Swazi people live below the poverty line.

Eswatini is highly dependent on imports to feed its people, as national production is constrained by frequent droughts, erratic rainfall, prolonged dry spells, inadequate farming technologies, and low investment in agricultural development.

The country also has the world's highest HIV prevalence at 27%. Unlike other epidemics, HIV/AIDS took the strong, working age adults, leaving only children and the elderly. Today, more than half of Eswatini’s population is under the age of 21, and with a population of only 1.2 million people there are approximately 355,000 orphaned and vulnerable children.

Since 1997, Challenge Ministries Eswatini has been hard at work responding to the fall-out of orphaned and vulnerable children. With a strategy to be within walking distance of every rural family and orphaned child, we are convinced that investing in their efforts has the power to change this small nation for good.


Restoring an emotional, spiritual, and physical inheritance to an orphaned generation.

We aim to make a lasting impact in the lives of vulnerable children through comprehensive orphan care, and wherever possible, family reunification. By supporting Challenge Ministries’ nationwide network of compassionate care teams, we strengthen families, equipping them with the tools and resources necessary for growth and resilience. 

We help build churches that serve as beacons of faith and unity, nurturing spiritual well-being. Addressing food insecurity, our support provides innovative agricultural solutions to ensure sustainable farming practices and access to nutritious food.

Furthermore, the Challenge Ministries team provides essential medical care, promoting improved health outcomes for all. Together, we aspire to create a brighter future, empower individuals, strengthen families, and foster transformative change in the Kingdom of Eswatini.


Learn about our four key initiatives below.

Child Sponsorship Africa


Inheritance helps support the holistic care for over 400 orphaned and vulnerable children throughout Eswatini, Africa.

Rural Community Development Africa

Rural Community Development

We empower rural communities in Eswatini, Africa to plant churches, helping them to develop sustainable initiatives in discipleship, healthcare, agriculture and education.

Rehabilitation Program Africa


For those affected by abuse, addiction, and life-controlling habits, Challenge Ministries is providing effective treatment, career training and community reintegration. The residential rehabilitation programs help restore mothers and fathers to their roles in leading safe, healthy homes.

Rural Business Enterprise Africa

Rural Sustainability Business Enterprises

We help develop sustainable business enterprises in rural communities that provide job opportunities, create food security and advance economic development in Eswatini, Africa.


At Inheritance, we invite you to engage with our 3G approach.

  • Be an Impact Partner through financial partnership. Gifts of all kinds are welcome - cash, assets, equipment, and materials. We also handle gift-in-kind donations from Phoenix, Arizona, where we prepare shipments for Eswatini. Click here to Donate today and join us in kingdom transformation!

  • Be a part of the impact by joining us on a mission trip! Your hands-on help pushes the ministry forward, bringing an infusion of energy, strength, and manpower. We invite teams of all ages and skillsets to be a part of the work. An international trip goes a long way in communicating value to the people we serve. Contact us today for 2024 dates! Click here to learn more.

  • Calling all subject matter experts! Are you a thought leader or a social entrepreneur? Become a strategic partner by joining the Impact Collective. From engineers to educators, special needs trainers, and career guidance counselors - we invite you to help drive our mission forward by sharing your skills. Contact us today to find out more!




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